Optimized resume. Personalized touch. Unquestionable results.

Optimized for your dream job

You have 10 seconds or less for an employer to decide whether they will call you for an interview. We hear it all the time… “I have sent my resumes to hundreds of job postings but no one has called me!” You have the skills and you have the drive, but something is not "clicking.”

Legacy Resumes was started by some of the top recruiters in the country. Through our recruiting experience, companies tell us exactly what they are looking for in employees. So, we know what employers want to see. Think about this: If you are on the search for a bright, red, and shiny car, you want to see an ad that says “BRIGHT, RED, and SHINY Car!” That is exactly what Legacy does for your resume, we put the qualities that employers want to see front and center in a concise and professional way.

Personalized touch and exceptional customer service (No robots here!)

Many other resume writing companies automate their process through robots and software. But as you probably already know, no two job seekers are the same so no two resumes should be either.

Instead of feeding your resume through a computer program and hoping for the best, we take the time to consult with each person receiving a resume update to know exactly where they want to take their career.

Unquestionable results

Our favorite call is when our clients tell us they got a new job and begin their new career. And, we are happy to say, we get that call often. Whether you are a recent college graduate, a Senior Vice President, or an HVAC Technician with no college at all, we can put your best foot forward on paper and online.

Don’t take our word for it, read our testimonials from satisfied customers.