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Landing and Succeeding at a Remote Job During the Pandemic

written by Katie Conroy | katie@advicemine.com

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, some experts were predicting that about half of the U.S. workforce would be working remotely by 2020. As of October, about 58% of workers are completing at least some of their daily tasks from home, and about two-thirds of these workers wish to continue remote work. In other words, the job market is primed more than ever for those in search of a job that they can do from home. 

The benefits of remote work are real: more flexibility, more freedom, and the potential for better work-life balance, to name a few. However, to succeed long-term at remote work, you will likely need to adjust your mindset and make changes to your day-to-day work routine. From attending online school to working with a service like Legacy Resumes to eliminating everyday distractions, here are some practical tips for those looking to find and maintain a remote job:

Go to school. 

Now is a great time to return to school. College and other types of educational programs are more accessible and affordable than ever, so you can pursue a wide variety of degree programs online. Whether you’re looking to learn new skills or sharpen existing skills, consider enrolling in an online business program. This will help you build your business acumen and will likely prove useful for the rest of your career. 

Develop a good resume. 

When planning to apply for a remote job, it’s essential to tailor your resume in a way that showcases why you would be a good fit for working remotely. You’ll also want to modify your resume for each particular position you’re applying for. Along with presenting ways that you will be an effective remote worker, be sure to mention your transferable skills as many employers are looking for those these days. Make sure your resume is optimized for the job you want and gets to the point right away (no more 3-page resumes!). 

To give yourself the best chance of getting a call from a potential employer, work with professional resume writing company Legacy Resumes. That way, you can be confident that you have a top-notch resume and focus on other aspects of the job search process.

Search the right way.

When looking for a job, it matters how you search. For example, even though there are more remote jobs available than ever before, some industries have a greater number of decent-paying positions than others. Do research to find out what types of remote positions are in demand. Also, utilize your personal and professional network and social media platforms like LinkedIn to find jobs. And if you’re not having any luck, look for a professional agency that can help out.

Abide by a schedule.

The flexibility and freedom that come with working from home are met by the challenge to create a consistent schedule. After all, when you’re home, there’s always something to do concerning household chores, kids, and so on. Prioritize finding a schedule that maximizes your productivity, allows you to meet your employer’s expectations, and helps you achieve a healthy work-life balance. Only then can you experience long-term success in remote work.

Beat distractions. 

Last but not least, do whatever you can to keep distractions to a minimum. Create a workspace that helps you separate your work and home life, and make sure you have all the equipment and tools necessary for fulfilling your daily tasks and staying productive. And once you’ve developed a solid schedule, make sure everyone in your household is on board. It’s critical your family understands when your work hours are and when you can and cannot be interrupted.

Working remotely can be a great thing as long as you approach it the right way. To ensure that you get the best kind of job for you, consider going back to school, create a solid resume with the help of Legacy Resumes, and be strategic with how you search for jobs. And to succeed long-term, make sure you create a workable schedule and take any necessary steps to minimize distractions. In no time, you could be thriving in a job you love from the comfort of your own home. Contact (901) 937-9735 today.