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How to Fulfill Your Dream of Becoming a Digital Nomad

Today, the dream of becoming a digital nomad no longer applies to just a select few. In fact, with advancements in technology, many people can choose to go this route if the thought of working in a conventional office no longer seems appealing. So if that's you, and you've always imagined yourself traveling the world while working, then here's some helpful advice on how to fulfill your dream occupation. 


Launching your career as a digital nomad

Firstly, you'll need to determine if you have the skills you'll need to succeed online. And if you've already made the bold decision to pursue this lifestyle, you will most probably already have a clear idea of what it is you want to do. Furthermore, with the drastic shift from office work to increased remote work, taking the skills you learned at the office and applying them from home is good practice for what may lie ahead on your journey to digital nomadic freedom.


Explore your options

As mentioned before, the scope of digital nomadic work is vast and becoming increasingly accessible due to the multitude of work options available online; for example, if you have experience as an editor, you could offer book editing services online. However, say you're unsure of where to start and want to explore your options before diving headfirst into something, here are more job descriptions you're likely to encounter on your search:


  • Blogging

  • Virtual Assistants

  • External consultants

  • Marketing and digital marketing

  • Teaching online etc. 


Testing the waters

Starting your own business as a freelancer is a great way to get introduced to this working style if you're totally new to remote work full-time. In fact, finding work and clients as a freelancer has never been easier either, and there are many freelance platforms online that you can use to showcase your skills and get potential work this way. However, it must be noted that competition online is fierce, and many times potential clients will focus on factors such as affordability, delivery timelines and will even weigh up reviews to choose the best freelancer for the job. 

So it might be a good idea to keep these factors in mind when advertising your services to ensure that you stay competitive on the market. Also, staying connected has never been more convenient or accessible. Furthermore, regular communication with clients is crucial to staying in the loop and on top of projects, so every effort should be made to ensure this is one of your topmost priorities at all times. 


Earning a sustainable income

If you already have extensive experience in your field of choice and have been freelancing or working remotely for a company for some time, earning a sustainable income shouldn't pose much of a problem. However, say you're only just starting out on your journey and are just starting to build up a sustainable income, then, by all means, you should most certainly try to supplement your income by doing other part-time jobs in the meantime until you find that happy medium that'll work for you. 


Finding tech-friendly rentals

To be honest, while traveling the world sounds like a dream (and it is), it can also be expensive depending on where you happen to find yourself living next. However, there are ways to cut down on accommodation expenses if you know where to look. In fact, there are many living accommodation options available that are digital nomad friendly if you know where to look and can include places such as coliving digital nomad quarters, extended stay hotel accommodation, hostels, lodges, and more. All you'll need to do is do proper research online, and you're likely to find a great deal that will be perfect for you and your new work-life situation. 


Making your dream a reality

The opportunities associated with living a digital nomadic lifestyle are only just beginning to open up, and indeed there is plenty of time and plenty of opportunities to make your dream a reality. And all it really takes is having the courage to take that first step and being determined to embrace the lifestyle change to succeed. 


This article, courtesy of Legacy Resumes, is one of several great pieces of content you can find on the Legacy Resumes blog.


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